During the last weeks of March and first weeks of April runs the project The Walking Body in the North of Portugal, including a test drive of a series of creative sessions and art practices developed by Supercluster and the other No One Forgotten partners. The topic of this event, composed out of a week of walkshops, workshops and open laboratory in the gallery of the School of Arts, followed by an exhibition of the outcomes of these processes, elaborating on the theme of “More than human walking”, assuming that we are walking with the planet and in connection with each other and the nature around us. The sounds, the living creatures, the plants, the geopoetics of every place are factors that connect us to a Nature that is experienced and lived in every step we take. Seamlessly relating with The Art of Connection, this project is stepping out of the time and space of the man-made environment. With young artists and with art teachers Fred Adam and Geert Vermeire explored the richness of connecting, inside the art gallery and outdoors in the urban and natural environment of Guimaraes, with groups of young artists and inhabitants.