
"Shared Signs" (Vulnerability)


The activity aims to make painting an engaging and playful experience, bringing participants closer to color in an interactive and enjoyable way. This approach transforms art into a shared game that promotes curiosity and enthusiasm.


1.30 h

The main objective of this exercise will be to identify and recognize your vulnerabilities, expressing them without shame or judgment. The interaction and mutual knowledge between participants will help reduce and eliminate negative aspects to develop greater self-confidence.

1st Phase: Formation of Couples

The group of participants will be free to arrange themselves in the space as they wish, each will select a companion from the group (preferably someone with whom they are not very familiar). The couple in agreement will choose the most comfortable and suitable position to start the exercise. The leader will guide them to sit facing each other at a minimum distance, equivalent to the width of an A3 sheet of paper which they will have at their disposal to make signs, using a colored marker of their own taste.

2nd Phase: Individual Expression

The pairs will have to imagine an invisible line that will divide the sheet into two equal parts. In this phase, after the leader gives the go-ahead, everyone will begin to freely draw lines, signs or symbols on their own half, without thinking too much, following instinct and creativity.

3rd Phase: Vulnerability and Sharing

After making the first signs on their half of the paper, the couple will begin to get to know each other and reflect on how they feel about sharing signs with their partner. When they feel ready, the leader will instruct them to draw signs beyond the imaginary dividing line, entering the other partner's area to start creating a real interaction through the new graphic language.

4th Phase: Visual Conversation and Vulnerability

At this stage, both members of the couple will be invited to interact with each other's signs. They will be able to enrich them, delete them or do whatever they deem appropriate to communicate and get to know each other better, as would occur in a verbal conversation.

This exercise aims to promote interaction and knowledge between participants through art and visual expression. It can be a creative way to break the ice and facilitate communication with your interlocutor.

5th Phase: Reflection and Sharing of Emotions

At the end of the exercise, the whole group will come together for a collective reflection. Those who wish will be able to share their artistic expression with their partner and with the whole group: what they learned from each other, how they felt vulnerable and possibly how their fragilities dissolved. This discussion will be a powerful time for sharing and personal growth.

Materials needed:

-A3 sheets of paper (one per pair).

-Colored markers (one per pair).

-A large and safe space in which participants can move freely.

All exercises will be led by a leader and a group of people (6 to 20). During the exercise, participants will have to communicate only through graphic practice (possibly without speaking).

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sunday: Closed

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