
"Empathetic Poles"


"The Art of Connection" by Angeliki Voulgari

The main aim is to introduce in a deeper way our methodology to the partners in order to be able to adapt it to their art (dance/sound/painting) in a practical way. The whole approach is addressing to human beings and the skills/virtues/inner qualities  which are contributing to create “connection experiences”. We don't separate people in those who need help and in those who give help, so through the basic 4 skills (empathy/expression ability/our ability to step on our vulnerable part and generosity), we address  in the core of the  human nature. So we suggest training on these qualities to everybody, also in people in difficult health circumstances an order to “retuned” and cocreate artistically  in a equal way , in a way that there are no disabilities but different characteristics.

Theory of the main principles that the human being is consists (body/soul/spirit).
Where these skills are based inside every human(according to the principles).
Ways that all beings interact and connect (speech, voice,body,eyes,voice,touch, ect).

Exercises based on senses awareness and each in skill.

Duration: 60 min

The aim of the activity is to observe how we feel when guided by someone else, to realize how much we can accept and give, to connect with our body as a means of understanding and not our mind. How easily can we accept our mistakes? Are we more prone to speaking rather than listening? This activity helps the artist to understand that the meeting point lies in the equal exchange and balance within each of the energetic and receptive elements, of the active and the passive, of “I speak state” to “I hear state”. This exercise trains the 2 hemispheres of our brain in order to function in a more balanced way.

Step 1: Form pairs. Each pair has got 2 broomsticks. One for each person. We throw the broomstick simultaneously to our partner. Then we change hands, throw the broomstick to the other hand and send the broomstick to the partner again. We repeat till we find our common rhythm with no need of verbal coordination.*

Step 2: Then we form a circle and we throw the stick to the partner to our right ,after the trainer gives the “que” sign while at the same time we receive the stick from our left side partner. We try to manage making a round without someone dropping his stick using our peripheral vision. Repeat until the group finds the common rhythm and is able to “move” as one .* Repeat the exercise without the sign from the trainer. Repeat the exercise but in the other direction.

Step 3: This exercise has many levels of difficulty. Example: couples 2-2 with crossing directions/choreography etc.

Duration: 60 minutes

Materials required: each participant needs at least one broomstick

Reflecting procedure: 20 minutes

Important notice: Essential conditions are breathing, relaxed bodies, jaws and pelvis.

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sunday: Closed

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