
“Making connections” (Expression)


The activity aims to make painting an engaging and playful experience, bringing participants closer to color in an interactive and enjoyable way. This approach transforms art into a shared game that promotes curiosity and enthusiasm.


1.30 h

This collective exercise aims to promote creative expression and reflect on the power of art to communicate and connect with others.

1st Phase: Form the groups

Participants will be invited to form groups of three or four people, each group will receive a 70x100 cm sheet/canvas, a set of tempera colors of various shades and other artistic tools available.

2nd Phase: Artistic experimentation (ordered)

Participants will have the opportunity to evenly apply tempera on the palm of their hand, choosing one or more favorite colors. Once the participants' hands have been evenly covered with color, they will be encouraged to create a composition by imprinting them on the paper. This can be done by gently pressing your hand into the paper or making a more vigorous imprint depending on the desired artistic expression.

In this phase, they will be able to create the composition with various directional patterns, using the module (hand) in the sense of translation, reflection, rotation and symmetry to build an orderly basic composition.

3rd Phase: Artistic experimentation (messy)

Once the initial composition has been completed following an orderly scheme based on the suggested directional patterns, participants will be encouraged to deliberately break this order, inserting, using pencils, markers, brushes, pens and other artistic tools, further sign elements, such as lines, dots , geometric shapes, symbols, letters etc. This step allows participants to freely express their thoughts, emotions and ideas, venting their creativity without restrictions. The act of introducing chaos into the composition can be liberating and open up new expressive possibilities, allowing participants to transform the work into a true playground for the imagination.

4th Phase: Group connection

During the artistic creation process, participants will be encouraged to communicate with each other. This interaction will allow them to share their ideas, discuss evolving art and experience a unique form of artistic communication, to create an empathetic connection with each other.

5th Phase: Reflections and comparisons

At the end of the exercise, a reflection session will be held where participants will share their experiences, the meanings attributed to the collective artwork and the challenges faced during the creative process. It will also be an opportunity to discuss the challenges faced during the exercise and how these challenges were overcome through collaboration and interaction between group members.

Materials needed:

- Canvas or sheets of paper measuring 70x100 cm.

- Tempera colors of various shades.

-Pencils, crayons, crayons, markers, brushes, pens, chalk, and other art supplies.

-A large space

-A table or flat support surface.

All exercises will be led by a leader and a group of people (6 to 20). During the exercise, participants will have the opportunity to communicate both verbally and through the new sign language learned during the previous exercises, in order to organize the work to be done.

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sunday: Closed

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